Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yay! Wishing Wednesday!

Oh this is my favorite - What is your wish for the New Year?

I'm going to go out on a limb and throw a biggie out there.

My New Year's Wish: I wish for a magical life.  A big magical life - filled with things like this:

I want to write something (blog/book/article/whatever) about scottish (specifically Pictish) witchcraft, do some mad gardening, be creative on my own (what I mean by this is that I can look at anything and do it on my own, but I don't come up with the ideas on my own), and a whole bunch of other things. 

Basically, I'm living outside my comfort zone - magically!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Yay!  It's Jamie's Wishing Wednesday and today's is very special for me.  Not only is it the Solstice (go sunlight!), but I've had a little crack in the ice emotionally.  It's been a very long time since my heart really beat hard for someone and, to be quite honest, I've missed that.
Today, though, it sped up.  Just a touch, but I noticed.  And initially, I was scared to bits.  But, now that I've had a little time to adjust, I kinda like it.
So, today's wish is for my heart.

I wish that  my heart's desire would be fulfilled.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hands Up

This is coming in under the wire, I fear.  Mainly because (like many of you) I am unsure of what I know that would be of any use to anyone else.  I know loads of trivial information that is good for winning lunch on the radio, but I couldn't figure out how that works for you.  :)
So, I asked my friends and this information was the one most requested.

How To Make Your Hot Peppers HOTTER!
Yes, hotter.
And the trick?  When the peppers begin to show (after the flowering stage), begin to periodically water your plants with cheap beer.  Yep, beer.  The cheaper, the better.  If you can read through it and it chemically could pass as water, you have the perfect beer.
(I discovered later that it stresses the plant out to get the water out of the beer and that stress makes the pepper increase in heat.)

So, there you have it.

P.S. For Lunch!
Beavers teeth are orange because of the trees they chop down. 

Coming Back

I love Yule, when the sun starts its way back to my neighborhood.  Years ago I lived in the Valley, the fog and smoke would sock in, making the days dreary and sad. As a way to get through, I always kept the thought in the back of my mind that there was a little more sun today than there was yesterday. 
These days, I'm viewing it as a new beginning.  I will say goodbye to being married, unhealthy, unemployed, bilingual,  and anything else I find that I want to change in the next week or so.  I love me and appreciate everything that has gotten me to this point, but it's time to move on.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last Check In

I've been slacking on my posts, but managing to keep up with my morning pages and other tasks.  It's strange, but I've enjoyed myself, even the bad parts.  I've come face to face with some bad parts of my past, gotten through the ugly and moved on.
I'm planning on keeping on with the morning pages, I find them very helpful in getting things done.
I don't know if I'll be taking myself on any more "dates", but I definitely enjoy doing things on my own, trying new things.  That, in retrospect, is probably worth the price of the book.  :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Birds, like people, can just look cool sitting there.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Waking Up

I have been getting up early to walk/run in the wildlife refuge next door.  This morning I finally remembered my camera and was blessed with this little shot. 
I could just squeal every time I look at it. 

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wishing Again

I apologize for the lag in delay of posts.  I would like to fall back on the 'I've been really busy' excuse, but it's really about me being lazy.  :)  I promise to improve!

This Wednesday, I wish to celebrate my big leap!  I have no idea where, when, or how I'm leaping, but I am so ready to leap, it's amazing!!  I have gotten rid of my negative habits (although it appears that my writing procrastination is making a comeback!), I've said goodbye to old relationships, and I'm making positive changes in my life. 

I am ready to go!

The problem is, I don't know where I'm going.  But, I'm going to celebrate the fact that I got this far and enjoy the day!

Happy Wishing!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mary Poppins

I love Mary Poppins.  Not Mary, so much.  But the cast and the Admiral that lives down the lane.  How fun to light off a cannon every morning!  :)

I've been extremely busy - in the best possible way.  Work has increased and I'm gleefully working with new crews all the time.  The girls and I are now members of the YMCA - watch out skinny jeans!  It has snowed, although just a dusting this morning.  It held off for Samhain, thank goodness.  (We had a great time)  And as long as the roads stay good, I'm good with snow.

Maybe it's because it's my first christmas alone with the girls, but I am really looking forward to this holiday season.  (Okay, so I realize that I was pretty much doing everything the last few years.  But, this year I'm not covering for anyone!)  I have quietly been purchasing presents and hiding them around.  :)  This feels so good!

I am still working on A Plan.  I signed up for this daily online thing - today's quest was to make a wish list for the next 12 months and then figure out which one is my favorite.  Wishing for 12 months?  Ugh!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

So Close To Samhain

I love this time of year.  The fall's color is everywhere and it's getting cooler.  (the dogs love it)  Samhain is just around the corner and I can hardly wait.  As is tradition, I have taken the day off so I can trick or treat with the girls.  (Or, in this year's case, one girl and one pre-teen who is walking with us, but going to pretend that she's not)
Work is fabulous and I really am enjoying it.  I love being able to help people, to take care of them, even if they don't know it.  I don't care, though, because I know.  It must be working because we're getting more accounts every week!
I'm still working through my artist's way.  I'm finding that I write my morning pages throughout the day (or night sometimes) and my 'dates' are becoming more and more untraditional.  I took cooking and matting classes.  Not that they are part of my Ultimate Dream, but I really enjoy them.  They're just happy things.

I got myself into the YMCA with my daughters.  Actually, I'm getting myself in there.  We will be members next week - pay day. 
I also have to go clothes shopping.  That's one of the hardest things that I've had to do all year.  It's very hard to put myself first after all these years. But this is important for my job!  And that's exactly how I'm justifying the buying.  (Let me have it....but, I know!  I know)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I didn't post this on the Wishing Wednesday and I'm not sure why.  Just don't feel like it, to be honest.  Sometimes I just like to post, without having anyone come specifically to read it.

Anyway, I'm rocking the work-scene and I love it!  I love my job!!!  I never thought I'd be saying that again.  (actually, I did, but I didn't think it would be soo soon.)  I'm trying to remember to make time for myself and not get burned out.  It's hard, though.

I'm actually going to give one of my photographs as a birthday present this weekend and I'm really nervous about putting it out there.  (what if he doesn't like it???)  I also have the issue of trying to figure out the framing and matting colors.  I have no sense of style so I have no clue as to what to put with it.  I'm hoping for a very nice person working at Michaels on Friday.

I was sick last week and I just slept and slept.  Ugh!  I hate to feel like I lost so much time, but I really lost time.  :)  This weekend, my kids are going with their dad so I've got some time alone to get the 'my' stuff done.  I hope that the weather improves so I can spend a lot of time outside!  It's Fall here in Montana!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Getting Caught Up!

Sorry for the lag between posts.  I have been swamped the last couple of weeks.  I have been doing the morning pages (love them!), and the end of the chapter tasks.  Some of them are difficult, but I'm always happier afterward.  I went back a couple of chapters and re-read the tasks, just to refresh.  

I've discovered that I am really enjoying my work - I love being able to 'take care of things'.  But, so much so that I'm sick with a head cold.  I have to remember to make some time for me - outside of my dates and driving in and from work.  LOL    I need to make myself some spa stuff!  :)

Sorry, I'm coughing..LOL 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Jaime asks today "What do you wish to do one day?" and instantly, a rush of things flew through my mind.  Yoga in some exotic location, fluency in many languages, cooking wild and insanely tasty dishes. 

But, when it came right down to it, I really, really, really want to exceed all expectations - mine and everyone else's.  One day, I want to look back on my life and realize that I blew the doors off of every goal I ever had.  Even if it didn't go just like I thought, in the end, it far exceeded my expectations!

That's my wish for this Wednesday!

Giggle Giggle

Where to begin? 
At work last week, I was asked to take a Kolbe test.  Which determines your conative strengths.  (I know, I had to look it up also)  These are strengths that you are naturally born with, not what you learn.
Since I love to take tests like that, I jumped all over this and discovered, in a nutshell, that I'm a "quick start".  I love coming up with the ideas to get things going (oh yea...surprise, surprise) and working with good tools, I like to restore, and (this was really strange) I'm good at delivering people.  (?)
My boss is a big fan of these tests - everyone in the office has completed them - and so he gave me the task of coming up with ideas on getting the two local hospitals as clients.


Not having done this ever before, I wasn't sure what to do.  So, I went back to all of your blogs and read.  I read over your trials and tribulations and felt better.  :)  And then the Universe helped me out and my dad's doctor said that an opening has occurred for tomorrow and my dad can get into the surgery for the removal of his (benign) cyst. 
Guess who's going along??  :)

And I'm doing a little more research on this Kolbe test result.  It's kind of interesting finding out how to use your strengths....especially those you didn't know you had.  :)

Friday, September 23, 2011


Good Morning!

I am having a beast of a time leaving comments.  I signed up for Google + and now I have no idea what's going on. 

So, just know that I visited your sites and everything you all wish for yourself, I wish for you also!  ALWAYS!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wishcrafting Again!

Oooh....I love Wednesdays!  I caught the question on Facebook today..."What Do You Wish To Immerse Yourself In?" and almost squealed!  I have been thinking a lot about schooling.  After falling flat on my face last time, I'm a little more skittish....but there's a possibility that a degree could be in my future.

So, my wish is to be able to immerse myself in learning!  Learning Russian, learning herbs, learning how to cook.  Learning!! 

(Sorry for the shortness, I'm on my daughter's computer!)

Friday, September 16, 2011

And Then The Universe Takes Over

A while back, I read on a blog somewhere (sorry, if it's your blog, I completely lost the link....I'll explain momentarily) that you should narrow your life down to four important things.  For me, it's family, exercise, creativity, and something else.  LOL  I know how that looks.  But, I wrote it down in this long tirade in a yellow spiral notebook.  But, the whole point was that if it doesn't fit into one of those four categories and I can't say that it works for me, I bag on it. 
I literally ask myself 'Is this good for me?'  If it's not, I leave it.  Friends, included.  Or people that I thought were friends.  Anyway, it's odd, but it really is good. 

And in this process of getting rid of the nasty, I kept telling myself 'Get off the computer!  Go see what's going on with your life!'  And then I'd search for more blogs to read. 
Finally, the Universe had enough and a couple of days ago, it bombed my computer.  I have no idea, but it won't even run the windows program now.  LOL 
Which has been wonderful!  I've been writing a lot, trying new recipes (today is chicken and dumplings because the weather took a turn to the cooler), and just exploring.  Like getting all of my Artist's Dates in.  It's like we went to the Pocanoes! 
So, I'll head to the library and check out your blogs shortly!  I'm thinking great thoughts about you and hopefully I'll have big exciting news to tell you soon! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Great Ideas From the Wedding!

 So this first one is of the directional sign.  I turned it into sepia 'cause it looks pretty good.  Anyway, they painted garden markers white and wrote with a big black pen.  Those are just farmer's market flowers and a burlap sack!  It looked great.
 Kyla's wedding was at an old dairy (her family's).  There were a lot of old milk jugs around so she cleaned them up, added black beads to the bottom, teal yarn around the middle (the colors of the wedding) and more of the farmer's market flowers.  They really looked cute. I think I would just do that to spruce up the house....I might have to put in some wildflowers next year.
That's my oldest.  She's 12 and has no idea that momma took the photo.  :) 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Weekend!

Yay!  It's the weekend!  I'm heading to the Farmer's Markets this morning and a friends' wedding this afternoon.  I'm so looking forward to them both!  :)

Still working on my crochet - I got a stamping set at the hardware store so I'll see how I can get that incorporated into things. (The hardware store is quickly becoming overwhelmed by chicks!  LOL)

More photos later!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wishing Wednesday!

Good Morning! 

Today is a Wishing Wednesday (is it funky to say that I really look forward to this day every week?) and today we're asked 'What path do you wish to follow?'  And this one had me stumped for a little while.  It seems that I write the same thing every week, just in different terms.  LOL  I have decided to view that in a positive light by saying, 'Well, at least I know where I want to go!' 

So, this week, I'm going to try something new and say that I want to follow the unbeaten path.  I don't want the paved, manicured, busy path.  I want the Lewis and Clark path filled with new species and friends that leads to the beach and a stop off at the Tinkerbell Half Marathon! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Hopefully everyone has the day off and is enjoying their holiday.  I have the day off, even did the BBQ thing - although I will admit that I cheated and caved into the hot butchery guy by buying already prepared ribs (OMG, they were fabulous!  for once my libido didn't steer me wrong!) - and didn't do a whole lot. 

Tomorrow is the first day of school and there is no little part of me that isn't rejoicing.  Seriously.  The girls have been out since May 4th and I am out of things to do.  I am more than happy to hand them over to the State of Montana.  (There will be much, much merriment in the school district tomorrow - I think the local coffee shop is going to throw a party)

I have been doing my morning pages and tasks, but I have no flippin' clue as to where  I am in the book.  I know that I'm dealing a lot with the jealousy tasks.  (ugh!  ugh!  ugh!)  I don't like it.  Not one little bit.  *sigh* which means that it's probably pretty good for me.   I may be stuck on this one for a little while.

I really really love Fall. 

Oh!  I made some Habenero Gold Jelly.  It completely rocks!  And beautiful - that habenero orange is my favorite color.  And HOT HOT HOT!  love it!!  I found it in an old Ball Canning Cookbook that I bought at a garage sale.  (Cookbooks are my achilles heel) 

I also attempted my crochet of copper wire.  I tried a bracelet, but the ring turned out lots better.   Forgive my lack of manicure, but here's a photo....

I just have to figure out the back where it attaches.....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Almost Friday!

Sorry for the lack of posting.  I'm relieved that my NE friends and family are safe and sound after the hurricane blew through.  It was so nice to have everyone check in with great reports.

It's going well, I do believe.  (touch wood)  I'm keeping up with my morning pages and slowly making my way through my Artist's Way - more on Sunday. 

Work is fabulous!  I became the supervisor of the entire Bitterroot Valley!  Seriously!  I have a background check to complete (I did it online, waiting on them) and then for my supervisor to get back from eastern Montana.  Then I head down the 'Root to start work.  :)  I'm thrilled, excited and scared.  :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Strong Sometimes Means Crying

Today was my big race.  The race that I had been running for all summer.  Every other day, every week.   I was so excited for this race, I couldn't see straight. 
A half mile into the first mile, my achilles tendon began to get sore. 
I had a sore tendon on my other side!  Sore became excruciating by the end of that first mile.  I hobbled.  I sorta hopped on one leg.  I walked like John Wayne. 

And I cried.  I cried 'cause I hurt.  I cried because I could run this!  My lungs felt great!  My legs felt great.  My tendons just burned like acid. 

It's awful to say this, but I tell you what, that last six blocks, if one more person told me "You're doing great", I was going to hitch my way over there and smack them. 

I crossed that line and begged for ice. 

I'm still in ice. 

But, I made it.  And I'm determined to run that same route with normal tendons and THAT will be my time!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good Morning!!

It's a great day!  (I'm annoying, I know)  I got up, thanks to the kitties!, and fed the dogs, the cats, and the kids.  Snuck a run in there - just a short one 'cause I've got a race this weekend.  But, it felt great to run with no pain and be moving!!  :)
I took the night off yesterday, just wanted to be with my kids for a little bit.  Plus, I got a creative bug and figured out how to make a few things that I've been looking at (the real word here is 'coveting') online.  Once I figured out what they were, I was in like flynn. 

A funny thing happened yesterday.  A few days ago, I received a wonderful package in the mail from Jeanne over at The Candy Corn Chronicles! I had won a great book, a bag of catnip and a beautiful quartz crystal!  I love them all - not as much, however, as Tigger.  (The marmalade Manx) Tig broke into my bedroom and found the "stash".  He managed to drag the bag under the bed and tear a hole in it and pretty much Spiccoli himself for the next 10 minutes!
Oh yea, it was Peace, Love and Catnip at our place yesterday!  He chased socks, pieces of dust, fairies, and finally crapped out on the stairs after asking for brownies.  :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wishing Wednesday!

Aye!  Jaime asked today (happy dance!) What do you wish to enjoy? 

For me, this one was easy because I've been thinking about it for the last 6 months - the beach! My best childhood memories are at the beach with my grandparents.  My seanmathair made ham and cheese sandwiches, we went crabbing (turkey necks are the key), and we would spend hours combing the beach for shells.  I love it and I feel a little "dry" these days.

This year, I'd like to go to Bald Head Islands in the Outer Banks.  (They have blue herons!!!)  I wish to take my daughters there for a week so we can help with the turtle babies, climb the lighthouse, splash through the tidal pools and paint the sunrises and sunsets.  That's my wish!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Be Kind, Rewind

Once again this year, I find myself at a loss.  No one has died, but I'm at a loss for direction.  I got rid of all of this unnecessary crap and now I'm not sure what to do with all of the space, for lack of a better term.  I find myself wanting to stay busy and to fill it up as fast as I can!  And that, I can tell you, never turns out well for me.  I just get more crap!

So, I'm trying to stop, regroup, and take a deep breath.  Does this actually work for anyone??

As summer winds down and school starts for the kids, I'll be more willing to take a bigger breath and look around me.  It's just hard right now, ya know?  Especially with us trying to get everything done in these last couple of weeks of summer.  (The kids are going camping with their dad on Labor Day and to be honest, I'm counting the days!)

Not all is lost, however.  Work is fabulous and I'm enjoying every moment of it.  I'm also cooking like mad.  I made this and this tonight. (the tomatoes came in)  My oldest made huckleberry cheesecake for dinner - yea, it was decadent.  I thought my dad (mom went to visit her sister, dad is alone) was going to die happy right then and there.  LOL  I've also found soap/spa books at the library so I'm combing recipes and gathering guinea pigs.  (I love my guinea pigs)
My big race is next weekend and my achilles heel got sore this last couple of days.  Dammitolanyway!  I really want to run and now I'm sore!  Ack!  I played in the river today and that cold water really helped.  I'm running tomorrow to see how it goes.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Airing Out

Well, I'm not sure what exactly happened the other day, but I decided to air out the skeletons in my closet.  There were too many secrets I was keeping for people - people that I didn't really care about.  Why was I doing that, I asked myself.  So, I said screw it and got rid of it all emotionally.
Talk about taking a load off!!  I ended a couple of relationships that I should have ended a long time ago.  (And in the process, got rid of their skeletons) Actually, it was more like I cut that final dental floss I was hanging on to.  I cried about it on the way to work, but I feel better now.  Lots better.  It's amazing how much more room I have for new shoes in that closet!  :)

I hate to say this, but I'm a little worried that I won't have relationships.  (I know how that sounds, I really do)  I kinda like the attention I got from those relationships.  They were comfortable and I could count on them. 

Oh heavens.....that had to have made a couple of you retch.  Sorry.  I'm going to go run.  And have a cup of coffee.  :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Okay, I Can Go This Way Too

My evening job has me as a supervisor of cleaning crews, and surprisingly, I enjoy it immensely.  I take care of medical offices and I really like the thought that I am making it safer for everyone who walks in.  It's very strange, I know.   Plus, it's very therapeutic to make things tidy.
One of the oddest things to come out of all of this is the fact that some of the crew are Russian immigrants or the children of Russian immigrants.  Having always been a little fascinated by the Soviets and used-to-be Soviets, I'm kinda thrilled by this.  To help improve work,  I'm working on my Russian language skills.  It's different than my Gaelic, but there are a lot of similarities in structure/masculine/feminine.
  Right now, my every day vocabulary is about as strange as it can be.  (I feel like one of those old Zebra Stripe gum packs!!)  I throw out everything from Spanish to English to Irish gaelic to Scots gaelic to Russian.  Most of my greetings are in Russian.  Most of my swear words are in Gaelic (either) and I use
¿Cómo se dice...?  whenever I can.  (It's such a great phrase)  

So there you have it - weird.  Just like I like it!  :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Huckleberry Sunday

My children were with their father this weekend, so I called a friend and asked if she wanted to go huckleberry picking until I picked the kids up.  She jumped at the chance, thank goodness.  We headed up early to her 'spot' and started picking. 

Over the years, I've happily forgotten how hard picking huckleberries are!  Ah, but the rewards are completely worth it.  I came home with about a gallon bag full of huckleberries, a handful of thimble berries and some big, big leads on elderberries (about two weeks) for wine.  Also, my beloved nettles are much closer than I thought they were!  There will be soup in the spring!!

Right now, I'm tired, with purple spots on my shorts from having sat on huckleberries sometime this morning..  Happy at seeing my children and having a wonderful day, but still tired.  Bone - tired, as my grandmother used to say. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Full Moon and Dreamboards

A few weeks ago, I attended an online dreamboard making 'clinic', so to say.  It was Wednesday's Jaime who hosted the whole she-bang and I had a blast!  Jaime is a great hostess and everyone online chimed in.  (Don't you hate it when no one says anything?  It's like a junior high dance!)  I got a great link to a website where I could click pictures to make my own dreamboard - ONLINE! 

How cool is that???

Anyway, so I was madly clicking, downloading my own photos and sharing with everyone I could think of.    Everyone's making dreamboards and there are some really interesting boards that people have put together: weddings, vacations, houses decorating, etc.  If you can think of it, someone has put together (or is in the process of putting together) a board for it.

For me, my dreamboard is whatever caught my eye at the time.  Whatever I coveted, not to put a negative spin on things.  I'm not quite sure exactly what it was supposed to do, but it made me happy to do it and I love looking at it.  And, trust me, I look at it a lot!

And all of you who love the synchronicity deal - the office that I'm cleaning (supervising the crew) is a medical office.  I discovered last night that they had a Breast Cancer Nurse!    Oh yea!  I have a connection to the chemotherapy world! (does that sound as strange to you as it does to me?)  I was so happy I couldn't see straight!! 
This, of course, was after I hit the library and found two of the best soap-making books! Both of which are  sitting next to me right now.  :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Work and a Free Weekend

I've started working and it's really a lot of fun.  I enjoy helping people and the women I supervise are all hard workers.  It sure makes the job a lot easier when we're all working hard.  :)  I came in on that weird pay period so it's almost three weeks before I get paid.  But, it should be a decent paycheck!  woo woo!

I'm still getting into the groove of work/art/exercise thing.  It's hard not to drop everything and focus on work, especially when I want to make a great impression. I know it makes me lopsided so I try not to do it.  But, I've got the weekend off from work and the kids so I can get back on track and not feel like something is being dropped.

So what to do??  LOL  My garden is coming in like gangbusters, I'd like to get some tomatoes canned or sauce made.  I also need to figure out how to make some basil frozen for future use. Since the girls are out for the weekend, I may use their popsicle maker, but don't tell them.  I'd never hear the end of that!
It's the full moon tomorrow - I believe that there is a moonlight walk being held at one of the local campgrounds.  Always fun.  There is usually one of the local herbalist/forester/wildlife managers there to take you on the walk.  I just have to remember my bug spray.  Smacking myself really diminishes the joy.
And paint!  Four cranes flew over the house yesterday morning, and I'd like to see if I can get that painted.  (I can still see them!)

I do have to ask one question....does anyone notice that they keep painting the same thing over and over again? I keep painting beaches!  Don't know why, but I love them and now I have sheets of beaches.  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm Wishing, I'm Wishing......

This Wednesday, Jamie asks 'What Inspiration do you wish to follow? '  Kind of an odd question, to be honest.  I wasn't sure how to answer it at first.  I had a 'huh?' moment. 
So I thought about it.  I have a great job - let's all think great thoughts that it continues for long, long periods of time! - that allows me to have my days free for my passions.  Oh, photography, watercolor classes, running, and most importantly SPA PRODUCTS!!  I wasn't quite sure how to tie all that in to an inspiration that I wished to follow.

Then I realized that I wish to be able to recognize inspiration and the opportunities that come with it.  Often, things pass me by before I realize what they are!  (I hate that)  Now, I want to be able to see what is being offered and be able to jump on it!  I'm ready! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Chapter 3 and The Western Montana Fair

It's been a great week.  Today, I took my oldest into town to enter her Blondies With a Dye Job Brownies into the Fair.  (She messed up making blondie style brownies one time and they turned out fabulous.  She wanted to enter them into the fair and I jumped on it.)  We were really nervous - still are.  I really hope she gets a ribbon.  We had to enter her into the adult culinary section because there was no kids' brownie division.  (You better believe that I wrote on her entry form that she's only 12 years old!)  We find out tomorrow how she did.

I'm glad that my Recipe Testing is beginning to rub off on the kids.  I've discovered that I enjoy trying recipes that I see on the tv or read about.  Sometimes they rock, sometimes not.  But, it's a great way to be creative and make people happy.  The oldest has always had an interest in cooking and so I'm jumping all over that - she's made crab won tons, ice cream, greek salads, etc.  We decided to take a different meal each time.  Last time she had appetizers.  Next time, it's Breakfast.

What is going on with Blogger????  I had a great big thing on how my morning pages were going great, I was taking myself on dates, and noticing colors everywhere I go.
It was great.  And Blogger ate it!  Damn! 

Anyway, I'm doing well and I'll post more later! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wishcrafting Wednesday

Is is wrong to say that I really look forward to Wednesdays?  

This week, Jamie asks, 'What door do you wish to open?' for Wishcrafting Wednesday.  I got up early to check the website out and I'm glad that I did.   It took some thinking/wondering to figure out just what I would like an opportunity at.  (sorry 7th grade english teacher)

And then I remembered this little idea I had years ago. 

But first I have to backtrack and give you some information.  When I was pregnant with my first child, I became allergic to everything.  I swelled up like a tick and it was awful.  So I called my grandmother who got me into an oatmeal bath and got me on the soap/lotion/body spa products path.  I loved it.  I made great stuff. 
But, my packaging sucked.  I have no talent for picking out colors/fonts/etc.  And then when the girls got bigger, I dropped it. 

However, I'd like the door to making spa products open again.  Preferably with an established company so I don't have to deal with packaging and have someone to ask questions.  Also,  I've always wanted to do this little thing  - donate spa products to women going through chemotherapy. 
My mom died of breast cancer when I was little and I remember going to radiation with her.  It made her so sick, her skin so dry, and she just felt unattractive.  I'd like to help other women with that.  Lavender soaps, shea butter lotions, huckleberry lip balms...all in a great little basket/crochetted market bag (yea, I make those too....I love adult learning classes).

So, whew!  that was long, that's my wish.  I wish for the spa door to open!! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


This afternoon, a friend of mine told me that her husband has cancer of the throat and lymph nodes.  Which is tragic, no matter what. But, why this makes it doubly so for me is that I worked for her husband, my friend!, for a decade.  I shared more time with him than almost anyone else outside of my family.  When my friend (the wife) was in a car wreck and broke her neck, I was there taking care of everyone.  I covered his job at work, made sure he was eating/sleeping/etc. while she was in surgery and recovering.  I've known these friends since 1994!

I think I may be a little stunned.  I know that cancer can be defeated.  I don't want to think that I could be without my friend, no matter how much he drove me nuts. 

So, I don't know what to do.  I guess I have to just get it out there so I can start to work with it....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Artist's Way - Chapter Two ( I think)

I kinda got wrapped up in work and the Artist's Way so I've forgotten what I have posted so far.  I know that I have physically read the second chapter, done some of the tasks, and am reading chapter three.  Whoops!

I am really enjoy this, as some of my blog entries have shown.  My daily pages aren't morning most of the time, mainly due to work schedule - it's darn hard to write morning pages when I'm at work at 6:30 am!  So I've been adjusting and having a good time.  I know that a lot of my not-written-in-the-morning pages are rants for the first page or so.  LOL
I've been doing the dates, also.  So much so that I've quit viewing them as a 'date'.  I'm just working them into my weekly life.  Yay!  It's kind of nice to do something nice for myself, as weird or unnatural as it feels at first.

For the second chapter, I did the mandala task.  A couple of time because when I realized that I was lacking in certain areas.  It was a good task that I'll continue again.
And, to be honest, sitting here I can't remember the other task that I did.  (I'm mixing up chapters)   I remember writing it down in my morning pages, but that's it. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011



noun \ˈblis\
: complete happiness
 I have been trying to pay attention to things lately and not just blindly go through life.  These days, I'm being told (a lot) to trust in the Universe.  My Artist's Way wrote about how to trust that 'things' (sorry) will just work out.   A strange horoscope appeared in my inbox saying that the Universe will provide, just ask.  A friend got herself natal birth chart software and ran all of my astrology information -a saturn in taurus and a northern node in pisces. Did you know that a northern node in Pisces means that I should follow my bliss?
Yep, I should dedicate myself to enjoying bliss.  Every day.  Bliss.  Complete happiness.   And I should trust the Universe to provide it for me.    
I think.  
I'm still working on the 'trust the universe' part.  But, there are little moments - like this evening when I made mac and cheese for my Youngest - that I had a flash of bliss. My mac and cheese days are slowly coming to an end.  Soon, they'll make it for themselves or avoid it completely.  So I stirred happily.  Blissfully.  

And then I went out and ran 2 miles.  Because I now can.  (No, it's not bliss, but I'm trying to talk myself into it.)

Friday, July 15, 2011

When It All Comes Together

**[Just so that everyone knows, the guy is doing good!!  He's gonna be okay!]**

Today was one of those days where it all kinda came together.  Where everyone can see the Real Maggie, even when I'm covered in dust and fire retardant.  And when I finally say a good line, instead of thinking of it later.

I love today.  I am so proud of myself and I feel like I'm on the right path/trail/hidden passage.  I'm so happy to be there, be in the right place at the right time to make a difference to somebody.

Okay, so I'll quit waving to the (nonexistant) crowd and tell you what happened.

As I think I may have explained, I am a wildfire retardant tester.  The plane flies over, drops the retardant and my crews and I work with the aviation company to pick up the test tubs.  (about the size of a Cool-Whip bowl)  Well, as we're collecting the last load, I watch one of the aviation crew guys fall to the ground in a grand mal seizure.  Full on seizure.
So, I race over there in my big fire boots and get him turned to his side.  He continues seizing and my inner superwoman comes out.  (don't worry, I won't break my arm patting myself on the back)  I keep him on his side, start barking orders to the forest s*rvice and pretty much everyone around me.  I kept talking to him while he came out of the seizure.  I sounded like a HOT Florence Nightengale.

Did you know that if you call 911 while at the airport, it shuts the whole thing down?


Anyway, the fire department, the ambulance, the airport police and the forest s*rvice all arrive, I do a complete evaluation to the EMTs (kinda cute) and get him in the bus.  As they're driving away, one of the Forest Service ladies asks me,  "How do you do that?  You were so calm?  Are you an EMT?"

So I said the first thing that came out of my mouth,

"No, but men are always throwing themselves at my feet."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hey! I Caught a Wishing Wednesday

Knowing the awesome power of a together wishgranting, I think hard and long about what I want to wish for.  (By the way, I watched a really cool episode of Through the Wormhole that had me thinking of you all.  It's impressive!)

I am having a blast at work.  I love the work, being outside and watching the planes.  I am having a great time and I so appreciate all of the help there. Without sound greedy, I'd like to ask for help promoting and selling my artistic creations.  I am trying different artistic methods and really enjoying myself.  I feel so creative and happy and I'd like a little bit of extra cash (like everyone else) to be able to explore new techniques and expressions without feeling like I'm taking food out of my kids' mouths.

Okay, I have to edit dawned on me that I have a relationship that needs being dealt with.  I've danced around it for years, but I need to deal with it and get it settled, one way or another.  But, I need monster help with it.  I feel like it could be one of those things I'll regret if I don't know one way or another. 
So, I wish help getting this relationship started so I can see.  Just see.

Thanks!  (again)

That was kind of a convoluted way to ask and I hope that you understand.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Synchronicity - Yea Right! :)

I got this photo just a couple of minutes ago!  There is a storm coming through my area.  Not through the whole part, just enough to create some really good shots.  So, remembering my Artist's Way (be ready for synchronicity), I ran out there with my camera.
And, after almost being carried away by mosquitoes, I got this shot.  I knew it'd make your (pl) day.  In an Artist's Way sort of way.  :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Give Away!

Well, we worked our butts off today - got four slurry drops in today before having to stop.  (We got way ahead of the people who analyze the results and they need tomorrow to get caught up.)  Yeah, I worked myself out of a job.  At least, for tomorrow.  We go back up on Wednesday morning.
But, it's very very cool.  And I'm having a blast.

And since we're all doing the Artist's Way, I'm hoping that one of us win this give away from the Eye of Nuit.  It's very cool stuff and would make a wonderful addition to an artist's date!  (hint hint)

So, head over here and get entered!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

No Vacation

Well, it's no vacation, but this job coming up sounds like a blast.    We got everything laid out on Friday and we're hitting the ground running tomorrow morning, first thing.  I can't wait.  (I mean, right now I can wait, 'cause I'm nowhere near packed....but you know what I mean)

I'm probably going to miss everyone's wishcrafting, darnit, but know that what everyone is wishing for themselves, I'm wishing for you also.  Let's keep that magic rolling along.

I've been successful with my daily pages and dates so far.  I may be sticking a bunch of artist's dates into a short amount of time, but it's still going to happen.  I've got a mostly morning schedule at work so my late afternoons are going to be open.  Yay!   :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Date

Today, after work and dropping off radishes (yep), I took myself to Michael's craft shop.  If any of you have kids, you know that you never take your kids into Michael's if you want to get in there quickly or if there's something you want to look at yourself. 

So, I don't ever get in there.

But, today I went in and met the nicest little salesgirl who let me try out all of the different paints.  We went through the watercolor pencils (LOVE THEM) and she showed me how they work and the different things you can do with them.  I'm desperately have heart boners for these little pencils.  ohmi!

But, I am also open to other suggestions.  So, if someone has an art medium that they prefer, drop me a comment.  I'd love check those out too.