Friday, September 23, 2011


Good Morning!

I am having a beast of a time leaving comments.  I signed up for Google + and now I have no idea what's going on. 

So, just know that I visited your sites and everything you all wish for yourself, I wish for you also!  ALWAYS!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wishcrafting Again!

Oooh....I love Wednesdays!  I caught the question on Facebook today..."What Do You Wish To Immerse Yourself In?" and almost squealed!  I have been thinking a lot about schooling.  After falling flat on my face last time, I'm a little more skittish....but there's a possibility that a degree could be in my future.

So, my wish is to be able to immerse myself in learning!  Learning Russian, learning herbs, learning how to cook.  Learning!! 

(Sorry for the shortness, I'm on my daughter's computer!)

Friday, September 16, 2011

And Then The Universe Takes Over

A while back, I read on a blog somewhere (sorry, if it's your blog, I completely lost the link....I'll explain momentarily) that you should narrow your life down to four important things.  For me, it's family, exercise, creativity, and something else.  LOL  I know how that looks.  But, I wrote it down in this long tirade in a yellow spiral notebook.  But, the whole point was that if it doesn't fit into one of those four categories and I can't say that it works for me, I bag on it. 
I literally ask myself 'Is this good for me?'  If it's not, I leave it.  Friends, included.  Or people that I thought were friends.  Anyway, it's odd, but it really is good. 

And in this process of getting rid of the nasty, I kept telling myself 'Get off the computer!  Go see what's going on with your life!'  And then I'd search for more blogs to read. 
Finally, the Universe had enough and a couple of days ago, it bombed my computer.  I have no idea, but it won't even run the windows program now.  LOL 
Which has been wonderful!  I've been writing a lot, trying new recipes (today is chicken and dumplings because the weather took a turn to the cooler), and just exploring.  Like getting all of my Artist's Dates in.  It's like we went to the Pocanoes! 
So, I'll head to the library and check out your blogs shortly!  I'm thinking great thoughts about you and hopefully I'll have big exciting news to tell you soon! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Great Ideas From the Wedding!

 So this first one is of the directional sign.  I turned it into sepia 'cause it looks pretty good.  Anyway, they painted garden markers white and wrote with a big black pen.  Those are just farmer's market flowers and a burlap sack!  It looked great.
 Kyla's wedding was at an old dairy (her family's).  There were a lot of old milk jugs around so she cleaned them up, added black beads to the bottom, teal yarn around the middle (the colors of the wedding) and more of the farmer's market flowers.  They really looked cute. I think I would just do that to spruce up the house....I might have to put in some wildflowers next year.
That's my oldest.  She's 12 and has no idea that momma took the photo.  :) 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Weekend!

Yay!  It's the weekend!  I'm heading to the Farmer's Markets this morning and a friends' wedding this afternoon.  I'm so looking forward to them both!  :)

Still working on my crochet - I got a stamping set at the hardware store so I'll see how I can get that incorporated into things. (The hardware store is quickly becoming overwhelmed by chicks!  LOL)

More photos later!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wishing Wednesday!

Good Morning! 

Today is a Wishing Wednesday (is it funky to say that I really look forward to this day every week?) and today we're asked 'What path do you wish to follow?'  And this one had me stumped for a little while.  It seems that I write the same thing every week, just in different terms.  LOL  I have decided to view that in a positive light by saying, 'Well, at least I know where I want to go!' 

So, this week, I'm going to try something new and say that I want to follow the unbeaten path.  I don't want the paved, manicured, busy path.  I want the Lewis and Clark path filled with new species and friends that leads to the beach and a stop off at the Tinkerbell Half Marathon! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Hopefully everyone has the day off and is enjoying their holiday.  I have the day off, even did the BBQ thing - although I will admit that I cheated and caved into the hot butchery guy by buying already prepared ribs (OMG, they were fabulous!  for once my libido didn't steer me wrong!) - and didn't do a whole lot. 

Tomorrow is the first day of school and there is no little part of me that isn't rejoicing.  Seriously.  The girls have been out since May 4th and I am out of things to do.  I am more than happy to hand them over to the State of Montana.  (There will be much, much merriment in the school district tomorrow - I think the local coffee shop is going to throw a party)

I have been doing my morning pages and tasks, but I have no flippin' clue as to where  I am in the book.  I know that I'm dealing a lot with the jealousy tasks.  (ugh!  ugh!  ugh!)  I don't like it.  Not one little bit.  *sigh* which means that it's probably pretty good for me.   I may be stuck on this one for a little while.

I really really love Fall. 

Oh!  I made some Habenero Gold Jelly.  It completely rocks!  And beautiful - that habenero orange is my favorite color.  And HOT HOT HOT!  love it!!  I found it in an old Ball Canning Cookbook that I bought at a garage sale.  (Cookbooks are my achilles heel) 

I also attempted my crochet of copper wire.  I tried a bracelet, but the ring turned out lots better.   Forgive my lack of manicure, but here's a photo....

I just have to figure out the back where it attaches.....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Almost Friday!

Sorry for the lack of posting.  I'm relieved that my NE friends and family are safe and sound after the hurricane blew through.  It was so nice to have everyone check in with great reports.

It's going well, I do believe.  (touch wood)  I'm keeping up with my morning pages and slowly making my way through my Artist's Way - more on Sunday. 

Work is fabulous!  I became the supervisor of the entire Bitterroot Valley!  Seriously!  I have a background check to complete (I did it online, waiting on them) and then for my supervisor to get back from eastern Montana.  Then I head down the 'Root to start work.  :)  I'm thrilled, excited and scared.  :)