Thursday, May 31, 2012

Surprise Vacation

Just like most of the really great things, stuff never turns out like you think. 

It turns out better!

I didn't realize that it was great until after I got home, got some rest, and got to looking through my pictures.  I was so tired from going like mad all the time during the vacation that I didn't get a chance to stop and really enjoy it.  Not exactly as I had planned, but it was a lot of fun! 

Oh man, it was FUN!

Now, I have and spent the last couple of days just revelling in the adventure.  (Is that the right word? Revelling?)   Look at what I did! I went to the beach!   I'm so proud of myself!  Go me!

I got a couple of ideas for some crafts from the trip that I'll post when I get them finished.  :) 

Monday, May 28, 2012

I'm Back! But Tired!

I got my toes in the sand!  Walked and walked and walked (13 miles/day) but had a great time!  More later!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Travelin' (Wo)Man

A blog that I frequent talks today about the trials and tribulations of travelling.  I find myself commiserating mentally and laughing at my own on-the-road adventures.  (We flew home from Scotland at 3:00 am, lunar eclipse, winter solstice, flight delayed leading to a bus ride with a broken heater...) I hate to say it, but I feel that everyone needs to have at least one of these occurrences under their belt to really be a "traveller".  It makes you able to roll with the punches and gives you really wonderful stories for later. If you haven't had one of these, it's waiting for you.....good luck.

I'm getting into a new type of travelling - The Solo Traveller.  Since about 1997, I have always had someone travelling with me.  Either (ex) hubby or kids or other family  members.  It makes for more adventures, but it also cranks up my stress levels at times. 
Next week, the kids are going to their dad's place and I'm jumping on a plane for California.  For five days, I will be on vacation.  A true 'vacation'.  I can't remember a time that I have done that in this century. (That was a pretty good one - for emphasis)

I'm taking two memory cards for my camera, my watercolor pencils, lots of paper, and flip flops.  

I can't wait!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

In the U.S., it's Mother's Day.  I've been lucky in that I have two mothers.  My birth mother died of breast cancer when I was young and my father remarried a wonderful woman.  She's been a great influence in my life and I'm so thankful to have her!  (Plus, she's a rockin' grandma!)

So, you don't have to have a birth mother to have a 'mother' or give birth to be a 'mother'. 

Family is what you make of it, people. 

Give thanks.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fun Farmers' Market!!

I really didn't see this one coming, but sometimes those are the best experiences!  Anyway, I received a call from a company that I did some temporary work for last summer.  They were wondering how I was spending my Saturday mornings.


It turns out, one of the local farmers' markets was in need of an assistant market master.  I jumped on it with both feet.  I started last Saturday, 6:00 am.  It was so much fun!  I have more crafts than food, but since I am a big crafter (and Pinterest fan), I had a blast.  The weather was a little nasty, so most of the usuals weren't there and that opened up the stalls for guest vendors.  We almost filled all of the spaces!
The other good thing was that my girls were able to come down a couple of hours later to help.  I think it's important that they 1) get around artistic people and 2) get involved in the local community.  We all hauled cones, picked up trash and helped the vendors when we could. 
Plus, we get paid for it.  :)