Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rainy Thursday

I always like that I was born on a Thursday, even with the old saying that I have far to go.  I tend to view it as a long enjoyable trip.

Today it's raining in my neck of the woods.  Which makes me happy because I've spent the earlier part of the week planting/weeding/etc.  Not only do I need a break, but my plants need watering! 

I took my Master Gardener test, but haven't heard any results.  Which makes me nervous, to be honest.  What if I didn't pass?!  I'd be mortified.  And emotionally crushed.  So, keep your fingers crossed for me.
On the day of the test, one of the women from the extension office came in and talked about canning/food preservation.  I'm hooked! 
Did you know that the USDA redid the requirements for canning in 2009?  I didn't and it really made me think about what I've canned and if it's safe.  And then I thought about all of those pins on Pinterest that I have/want to can.  I need to find out their canning requirements!
The really interesting thing that came out of it was the fact that the lady is moving to Louisiana (Zone 8) next month.  I don't know if they are going to fly her position or not.  But, I'm definitely interested in it!!  Canning and drying and freezing!  How cool is that?!? 

Only 28 days until vacation!!


  1. I hope you get the test results soon, the waiting must be agonizing! I have always been interested in canning, but am too afraid of screwing up and dealing with botulism...I am a big chicken!

  2. Your local extension office should have canning classes. Ball (the jar people) offer classes online and I believe that they help your office.
    I'll nag until I get classes. :) (I know this because it worked for the master gardener classes! LOL)

    Getting ready for Beltaine? :)
