Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wishing - Yay!!!

Good Morning!  I'm monstrously happy these days, it's disgusting to be honest.  I'm really working hard getting all of my ducks in a row (paperwork, a budget! yes, a budget, exercise), but still have a couple of things that I need to work on....mainly procrastination.

Jamie Ridler asks 'What do you wish to rise above?' and I wish to rise above procrastination.  I hate it and it's sucking the happy out of my life!  I need help!  I know that I need to be pro-active, not reactive and yet, here I am, plunked in front of the computer. 


So I'm calling in the big guns (so to speak) and asking for wishes.  I wish to rise above this procrastination and do everything I need to get done!


  1. Hi Maggie,
    Procrastination shall be defeated…
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
    Sunny hugs from sunny Bordeaux,

  2. You and me both!!! I have packing and purging to do before my move to Florida and keep putting it off 'for tomorrow is another day...' As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for both of us!

  3. I think procrastination is a universal complaint we share. I, too, wish to overcome procrastination. So tomorrow I will wish for that. (lol).

  4. I can relate too! As you wish for yourself I wish for you also....(and for the rest of us too) ;-)

  5. ooooh, you are me all over,haha! i have a big photography exhibit to hang in a gallery tomorrow morning...and do you think i have even gone through my images to choose which ones to hang? that's a big N-O! As you wish for yourself, i also wish for you! (and ME!lol!)

  6. Procrastination is one of my best friends.... and then one day, I get tired of it, so I just get up and DO whatever it was that I was avoiding. So I totally understand your wish :)
    As you wish to rise above, so I wish for you as well. Together we can push back that ugly little monster that we can't let go of... ;)

  7. Thank you all so much!! I really appreciate it and I really try to keep all of your support in the back of my mind when I'm just sitting. :)

  8. Maggie, you can do all of it!!! and as you wish I too wish with you.

  9. As Maggie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  10. I think we all procrastinate, over one thing or another.
    Realizing the "why" is the first step, to moving forward with things. :]
    You will overcome!!
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.
    Take care.

  11. Thank you! Thank you!! I really appreciate it! I made a list and I'm off and running with it! :)
