Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wishcrafting Wednesday

Is is wrong to say that I really look forward to Wednesdays?  

This week, Jamie asks, 'What door do you wish to open?' for Wishcrafting Wednesday.  I got up early to check the website out and I'm glad that I did.   It took some thinking/wondering to figure out just what I would like an opportunity at.  (sorry 7th grade english teacher)

And then I remembered this little idea I had years ago. 

But first I have to backtrack and give you some information.  When I was pregnant with my first child, I became allergic to everything.  I swelled up like a tick and it was awful.  So I called my grandmother who got me into an oatmeal bath and got me on the soap/lotion/body spa products path.  I loved it.  I made great stuff. 
But, my packaging sucked.  I have no talent for picking out colors/fonts/etc.  And then when the girls got bigger, I dropped it. 

However, I'd like the door to making spa products open again.  Preferably with an established company so I don't have to deal with packaging and have someone to ask questions.  Also,  I've always wanted to do this little thing  - donate spa products to women going through chemotherapy. 
My mom died of breast cancer when I was little and I remember going to radiation with her.  It made her so sick, her skin so dry, and she just felt unattractive.  I'd like to help other women with that.  Lavender soaps, shea butter lotions, huckleberry lip balms...all in a great little basket/crochetted market bag (yea, I make those too....I love adult learning classes).

So, whew!  that was long, that's my wish.  I wish for the spa door to open!! 


  1. That's how my mama died....God bless you. As you wish for yourself, as you wish for others, I also wish for you with all my heart.

  2. Oh wow! That is so beautiful. What a gift! I work with women in a domestic violence shelter and people often bring in little bags filled with goodies for them. It makes them feels so incredibly special. You will be offering so much. I recently watched an episode of Secret Millionaire in which one of the female millionaires gave money to a company that went in a did spa and beauty treatments on the terminally ill. As you wish for yourself, so I wholeheartedly wish for you as well!

  3. What an amazingly thoughtful wish! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!

  4. Super idea, especially since you have done this and enjoy making spa stuff. All things are possible in the Universe. Best of best wishes to you.

  5. What an amazing wish!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  6. YOu have a beautiful heart . Thats so giving of you , The chimo patients would love that .

    As you wish for yourself I wish for you also.

  7. What a wonderful wish! <3
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  8. I think those are lovely ideas and such a wonderful way to share with others! As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also.

  9. oh, Maggie - what a FANTASTIC wish!! I would love to try out your products...and how grateful and meaningful those products will be to the chemo patients. How can such a creative, generous, heartfelt wish not be granted???

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!

  10. Maggie, my dear, that is such a super wish. So generous and heartfelt how could it not be granted...and for all your customers' sakes soon... So i join you in wishing for you as you wish for yourself. Ahhhh spaaaa, a luxurious wish a door that needs opening.

  11. Thank you all! I (secretly) worried that my wish sounded insane.

    As you all wish for yourself - every day, not just wednesdays! - I wish for you also!

  12. What great ideas for helping people with your talents. Last year I took a four day training session for using herbs in medicines and other body care items and I'd like to move forward in that direction too.

    Don't worry about the packaging. You'll find someone who'd be glad to help when you tell them why you need the design work.

    This will heal different people for different reasons in so many different ways!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you too.

  13. what a wonderful door! I'm sure you'll be very successful. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  14. Thank you! Thank you!

    I always feel so confident when I read your comments!

  15. I love your wish, I think it's not only beautiful that something that will inspire and help so many other people when they need it the most.

    As you wish for yourself, I deeply wish for you too!

  16. Ah, Luchog! There you are! Thanks! I'm quietly very excited about it. Just need a little bit of an opening....

  17. Go for it sweetie! Things will start to happen ...
    As Maggie wishes for herself, so Iwish for her also.

  18. I love this idea! Go for it!! I am cheering you on all the way! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also!

  19. I wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciated you sharing that wonderful Scottish ditty with me! I just love this sort of thing. I Googled "pictish beast" and now know what it looks like. Had never seen this symbol before! I will be using this sweet little incantation, for sure, and I'll let you know what happens! XO

  20. Dream - I'm glad that you liked it! Keep me posted!
