Thursday, August 25, 2011

Good Morning!!

It's a great day!  (I'm annoying, I know)  I got up, thanks to the kitties!, and fed the dogs, the cats, and the kids.  Snuck a run in there - just a short one 'cause I've got a race this weekend.  But, it felt great to run with no pain and be moving!!  :)
I took the night off yesterday, just wanted to be with my kids for a little bit.  Plus, I got a creative bug and figured out how to make a few things that I've been looking at (the real word here is 'coveting') online.  Once I figured out what they were, I was in like flynn. 

A funny thing happened yesterday.  A few days ago, I received a wonderful package in the mail from Jeanne over at The Candy Corn Chronicles! I had won a great book, a bag of catnip and a beautiful quartz crystal!  I love them all - not as much, however, as Tigger.  (The marmalade Manx) Tig broke into my bedroom and found the "stash".  He managed to drag the bag under the bed and tear a hole in it and pretty much Spiccoli himself for the next 10 minutes!
Oh yea, it was Peace, Love and Catnip at our place yesterday!  He chased socks, pieces of dust, fairies, and finally crapped out on the stairs after asking for brownies.  :)


  1. Ooooohhh! What have you been creating? Enjoy. :)
    Love today´s stories of your day.

  2. lol how funny my kitties are pretty good at sniffing out hidden catnip I have to get more and more creative every time.

  3. Paula - glad you like them! :)
    Anna - if you find something that really works, drop me a post! I'm out of ideas!

  4. Aaahhhaaaahaaaaa!!! I'm rolling over this!
