Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Sunday

It's a good month.  A fabulous month, actually.  While I am not any closer to any w
edding ideas, I have gotten my old Ford sold.  It's a great truck, but not one that I need in Texas. So I was able to get it a good home and some cash in the savings account. Yay!
My fiance and I are looking for chickens and this month we found a local supplier! I hated the thought that the poor little chicks would have to be mailed in the heat!  Now we can drive down and get them!  The girls will be thrilled.
I bought my tickets to fly down to Texas for Valentine's Day. I am so excited.  We have B&B reservations and plans for a coastal visit.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wishing Wednesday!

Today, Jamie asks what we wish to try

Boy!  That's a loaded gun if ever there was one.  But, luckily, I have more than enough experience with armed weapons like these and I'm ready. 

I wish to try a new way of life, with a new way of being in a relationship.  A new way of being a parent, partner, wife.  I'm scared to death, but so excited about this leap I'm making.  A new relationship, a new place to live (we're getting chickens!!!), a new everything.   So, with this I want a little confidence to take that first step and leap into a new life.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cold Winter Day

Today had a high of 5F degrees.  I stopped by the wildlife refuge on the way to the grocery store for supplies.  It was bitterly cold, but I'm thrilled with the pictures.  :) 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Here I am!

Oh man!  I have been away far too long (this is sounding like a broken record), but I have decided to get with it and write, write, write.  I need somewhere to bounce ideas off of.

I am in the hunt for wedding ideas, I surf Pinterest like mad and try everything.  Recipes, favors, etc.   Some of it is great - I need a photo booth - and some of it wasn't so much (I need some flower arranging help).   My daughters and I went to a wedding faire on Sunday. 

Uhm, yea.  It wasn't what I thought and being in a raffle for $300 worth of Botox wasn't my idea of a good time.


I'm also working with my fiance (I love that) on deciding what we want in our house/property.  Chickens!  Gineas!  My hunny wants turkeys, I'm balking.  But, I want honeybees so I may go with turkeys if we have the room. 
We are both very sure we want a big garden and lots and lots of herbs!!  :)

Sorry this is short and so convuluted.  I'm trying to get all sorts of information out there and get back into the swing of writing again.  :)