I have two rooms more or less completely unpacked. Of course, the first one was the kitchen. Dishes were unearthed and holding spots chosen. I am unfamiliar with having such a large kitchen and the walk from one side to the other bothers me.
Other times, I'm thrilled with the cabinet space and all but
dance from dishwasher to cupboard.
The dining room is done and we have more books than the Thrall, Texas library. (There is no Thrall, Texas library. It's too small for that even) Why a gardening fanatic married a science/history teacher is beyond me, bookwise, anyhow. We have more shelves of books than we have furniture.
I am slowly beginning to get my driving bearings and can at least get over to my in-laws' place. As long as the Walgreens, HEB or gas station is along the way, I'm good. If I have to find anything, I'm sunk like a U-boat.
New friends have made their way to our feeders, dive bombing each other the whole time. I've begun to recognize their chirps and beeps at one another. This little beauty made her way to food while the others were arguing. Good girl.
The neighbor has the friendliest, egg-laying-est chickens I'd ever met. They're sweet and I save bread crusts for them. It cracks me up to watch them race to the fence when they see me heading their way. I'm hoping that we can get the property that separates our yards so that I can have them over to our yard once in a while. The grasshoppers here are fierce and the hens race like rugby players trying to get them.
The Youngest has made a friend across the street, making parents and siblings all around dance in delight.
She was driving me insane, always underfoot and "bored".
I took some photos down at a (sorta) local park. They get a lot of my beloved wading birds so I try to stop by whenever I can to get some shots. The blasted furnace of the sun was setting and the tree made a decent shot. What you can't see is the large amount of cattle and great egrets on the branches. Still, a nice shot.