Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yay! Wishing Wednesday!

Oh this is my favorite - What is your wish for the New Year?

I'm going to go out on a limb and throw a biggie out there.

My New Year's Wish: I wish for a magical life.  A big magical life - filled with things like this:

I want to write something (blog/book/article/whatever) about scottish (specifically Pictish) witchcraft, do some mad gardening, be creative on my own (what I mean by this is that I can look at anything and do it on my own, but I don't come up with the ideas on my own), and a whole bunch of other things. 

Basically, I'm living outside my comfort zone - magically!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Yay!  It's Jamie's Wishing Wednesday and today's is very special for me.  Not only is it the Solstice (go sunlight!), but I've had a little crack in the ice emotionally.  It's been a very long time since my heart really beat hard for someone and, to be quite honest, I've missed that.
Today, though, it sped up.  Just a touch, but I noticed.  And initially, I was scared to bits.  But, now that I've had a little time to adjust, I kinda like it.
So, today's wish is for my heart.

I wish that  my heart's desire would be fulfilled.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hands Up

This is coming in under the wire, I fear.  Mainly because (like many of you) I am unsure of what I know that would be of any use to anyone else.  I know loads of trivial information that is good for winning lunch on the radio, but I couldn't figure out how that works for you.  :)
So, I asked my friends and this information was the one most requested.

How To Make Your Hot Peppers HOTTER!
Yes, hotter.
And the trick?  When the peppers begin to show (after the flowering stage), begin to periodically water your plants with cheap beer.  Yep, beer.  The cheaper, the better.  If you can read through it and it chemically could pass as water, you have the perfect beer.
(I discovered later that it stresses the plant out to get the water out of the beer and that stress makes the pepper increase in heat.)

So, there you have it.

P.S. For Lunch!
Beavers teeth are orange because of the trees they chop down. 

Coming Back

I love Yule, when the sun starts its way back to my neighborhood.  Years ago I lived in the Valley, the fog and smoke would sock in, making the days dreary and sad. As a way to get through, I always kept the thought in the back of my mind that there was a little more sun today than there was yesterday. 
These days, I'm viewing it as a new beginning.  I will say goodbye to being married, unhealthy, unemployed, bilingual,  and anything else I find that I want to change in the next week or so.  I love me and appreciate everything that has gotten me to this point, but it's time to move on.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last Check In

I've been slacking on my posts, but managing to keep up with my morning pages and other tasks.  It's strange, but I've enjoyed myself, even the bad parts.  I've come face to face with some bad parts of my past, gotten through the ugly and moved on.
I'm planning on keeping on with the morning pages, I find them very helpful in getting things done.
I don't know if I'll be taking myself on any more "dates", but I definitely enjoy doing things on my own, trying new things.  That, in retrospect, is probably worth the price of the book.  :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Birds, like people, can just look cool sitting there.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Waking Up

I have been getting up early to walk/run in the wildlife refuge next door.  This morning I finally remembered my camera and was blessed with this little shot. 
I could just squeal every time I look at it. 

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wishing Again

I apologize for the lag in delay of posts.  I would like to fall back on the 'I've been really busy' excuse, but it's really about me being lazy.  :)  I promise to improve!

This Wednesday, I wish to celebrate my big leap!  I have no idea where, when, or how I'm leaping, but I am so ready to leap, it's amazing!!  I have gotten rid of my negative habits (although it appears that my writing procrastination is making a comeback!), I've said goodbye to old relationships, and I'm making positive changes in my life. 

I am ready to go!

The problem is, I don't know where I'm going.  But, I'm going to celebrate the fact that I got this far and enjoy the day!

Happy Wishing!